Sunday, July 27, 2008

Grandma's Movie Day

Grandma's Fifth Annual Movie Day at WALL.E. It was such a cute movie.

This is a picture of everyone, except Grandpa who is the photographer. We arrived at the theatre after having hot dogs at Mark and Victoria's. We had Daniel and Hannah helping with the chaperoning this year.
Here is everyone waiting to go in. Elara is especially eager as you can see by her stance. And Grandpa is in the backround buying tickets.
Popcorn in hand and everyone seated and ready to see the movie. Daniel is behind everyone watching over us. If you haven't see WALL.E, yet it is so cute. A wonderful, green love story. We had a really great time.


Mark & Victoria said...

Looks like everyone had a good time. Thanks for taking baby girl. She is so lucky to have gotten to go. It wont be long now till I can participate in family outings again. love Mark jr

Sarah and Val said...

Hi Markie,
We can't wait either til you are home to participate.
Love, Mom

Andy said...

What a great looking group! The kids just love Grandma's Movie Day. The parents do too.

Leah said...

Everyone is telling me that Wall-e is just the cutest movie. I guess I'm just going to have to check it out!! Me loves grandma's movie day!!! Thanks for taking them I appreciate the break and they look forward to it every year.

Matt said...

ya Elara had a blast! that looks like a nice theater.Thanx for taking them.

Joe Belanger said...

Is Grandma's movie day about the same time each year?