Wednesday, November 19, 2008

He He funny Ethan...

So, I was so excited to look at who had posted a new post on the family blog, to my shock it was my husband posting about a pregnancy that we hadn't yet announced!! So I guess were announcing, Oh Ethan, Ethan..So we are 10 weeks pregnant as you can see we got our ultrasound today and everything is right on track for a mid to late June delivery!! YEA!!


Joe Belanger said...

Sounds like you have a security leak. Stop the mole!

Congratulations! Here's to a girl!

Sarah and Val said...

Here, here. Here's to a girl, also.
Love you!!

Hannie said...

COngrats Beck and Ethan!

RuthieB277 said...

Gee, and I thought everyone knew...