Friday, October 24, 2008

Happy Birthday, Dear LIZZIE!

Happy Birthday to you!

Happy Birthday to you!

Happy Birthday, Dear Lizzie,

Happy Birthday to you!


Joe Belanger said...

Uh, these posts are not spaced exactly 10 minutes apart. Tsk, tsk.

Sarah and Val said...

My first memory of Lizzie was that she came second. Oh, yeah and when the doctor PULLED her out it hurt like heck!!! But I don't even hold that against you Lizzie.

Sarah and Val said...

My second memory is that I was very excited to have two little, very little, perfectly formed and healthy twin baby girls.

Sarah and Val said...

My third memory of Lizzie was having to choose another name for the new baby that turned out to be two new babies. We only had one name and that was Rebekah. So I knew that I liked Elizabeth and it was a biblical name, so Elizabeth it was, and is actually, to this day.

Hannie said...

Happy Birthday Lizzie!

Billy and Lizzie Calban said...

Thanks for those lovely, though aparently painful memories

Mark & Victoria said...

Happy Birthday! I hope you are having a wonderful relaxing birthday. Oh yeah and your birthdays are painful remember that one eight or nine years ago. when I broke my leg. love ya sis Mark jr.

Becky and Ethan+4 said...

Happy Birthday to my Lizard, Happy Birthday to you! Call me again so I can wish you a Happy Birthday, I hate not being able to call out to anyone!!