Sunday, January 4, 2009

Funny words...

So last night William woke up and was crying over and over again, "I want Ice Cream, I want Ice Cream" which is too cute, Ethan and I agreed that we want to go back to childhood where your dreams consist of nothing more than the desire for Ice Cream!

And at church today Greg asked Ethan to take him up to bare his testimony and in Jack fashion he followed along. Gregory gets up and says, "um I'm Gregory and I hope I love my Bumblebee and transformers, at that point Ethan intervened and gave him a few more appropriate lines to say. So than Jack gets up and before Ethan could get to his ear he says as loud as the mic could carry his voice. "Im Jack and I love Optimus Prime."

It has been a funny week, and Congratulations to all the Sunday School move-ups! Greg went up to CTR 5 and Jack Jack went into Sunbeams!! YEA!!


Andy said...

Those are precious moments you won't ever forget. Ah, the life of the Child.

Joe Belanger said...


Billy and Lizzie Calban said...

That is too cute!!

Sarah and Val said...

I wish I could have been there to see that. How cute!!