Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Against my better judgement..

I went ahead and posted about the baby, taking for granted that I have had three healthy and uneventful pregnancies. The baby miscarried and the docs believe it could have been an ectopic pregnancy. They are just waiting for some more blood work to verify that theory. All is Well, and we will get right back on that horse. Please don't feel sorry for us, I just feel bad that I didn't wait the recommended 3 months to announce and now the reason is staring me right in the face. I feel like a fool for getting so excited but we are just going to keep working on making a healthy baby!

Baby Wims expected (TBA)


Mark & Victoria said...

Stay strong I know you will ...Love your brother Mark Jr

Joe Belanger said...

Strangely, that's how it always seems to work. If you talk prematurely; miscarriage.

I do feel bad for you guys. Miscarriages are hard to deal with. But we know that we'll be seeing an adorable Wimsical baby soon enough. Keep your chin up. We love you guys. Especially Quinlan.

Billy and Lizzie Calban said...

Always so sad though...I was trying to tell Billy that this morning that I always felt more embarrassed than anything to have to tell people that I wasnt pregnant anymore but fear not no one thinks anything of it, you two will make a beautiful little bb soon. Try and rest and get back to work again soon.

Leah said...

Wish I knew what to say.. Sorry.. I hope you are feeling better!

Becky and Ethan+4 said...

Please please don't feel like you even have to say anything! I know it's kind of awkward to have this post on the blog, I just thought it would be the quickest way to let everyone know that my first announcement was now void! I feel kinda stupid about it. I'm sorry I hope I didn't turn the blog into a drag for anyone, totally not my intention but I am the queen of awkward.. hehe sorry about that.