Monday, October 20, 2008

Alex was a good sport in agreeing to model this newest river runner hair style!
Tippacanoe and Markie, too!
Madeline has the definite markings of a professional river runner in the making!
We don't know if Asher was bigger than the coyote, or if they both were vying to be Victoria's housepet!
Emeline is thinking that it might take more than 11,000 tests for the LLVWD to clean the foam out of this water...


Becky and Ethan+4 said...

That looks like a ton of fun!

Leah said...

Foamy, scummy water...EWWWWWW!!!
That looks like you guys had fun except for the Pizza Hut incident,right?

Becky and Ethan+4 said...

What happened at Pizza Hut?

Leah said...

Oh I guess that was markie and Andy on the way out to the lake... You'll have to get the scoop from them but i heard that one lady probably isn't too happy with pizza hut right now!