I thought I'd still post the picture I was going to put up for Matt's b-day! I had written on the back that we were at the beach in Cali. but this might have been when I was 9 and he was 7 in Massachusetts. Not sure!
Always fun to look back! Happy B-Day!
All I have to say is....Nice hair the both of ya
I love these old photos. Happy Birthday again, Matt.
5164695164pppi love it! I was gonna write the same thing as lizzie.. I m sittting here in front fridays waitin 4 my main chick 2 show up....im waiting! she says she's late cause she wants to be pretty. anyhow its been a good b-day so far. got a few good shout-outs, even Callista sent a sweet b-day wish. ME AND Lisa are gonna go see a Irish band, so I'll post some pics of me cuttin' a rug or doing a jig! look 4 it on the 7th!!
Everything I learned about posing I learned from Matt (Johnny Bravo stance!) One of my favorite Matt memories is being surprised to find that was using a hairpiece when I came home from the mish, but I will always love Matt for his crazy witttyness.
Leah - you coulda been a Bond girl in your bathing suit get-up.
Matt - I love the mohawk.
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