Friday, October 12, 2007

Is no one on.....Lame. I'm getting sleepy. All you dang west coasters wanting me to stay up all late to wait for you all.


Leah B. said...

I'm on, but I have nothing to say yet. If I wait, maybe inspiration will strike.

Andy said...

Leah's not on, Andy is.

Billy and Lizzie Calban said...

Did you comment using her name?? Like Becky did with Dave's name earlier today??

Billy and Lizzie Calban said...

Did you see my new blog on my site??

Andy said...

I saw your blog and, yes, I first commented without checking whose name I was signed in as.

Leah and Dustin said...

I'm here kinda late but I'm here

Sarah and Val said...

I'm here now, too.