Monday, October 8, 2007

This was taken on saturday night this is the short version Elara omited the infamous double Q.


Billy and Lizzie Calban said...

Billy said "that is the cutest thing ever"
Love you guys

Joe Belanger said...

Wow, I miss Vegas.

Leah and Dustin said...

what a cutie! that girl's got some happy feet!

Matt said...

I must have watched that 10 times in a row.she included mena-Q wich used to be pena -Q.Don't get her started singing row row row your boat gently on the strings.or rock a by baby on the TOP tree. thnx 4 posting that markie

Matt said...

here i am just 2 hrs later seeing the happy feet dance a.b.c.,s and seeing who else commented!!!

Joe Belanger said...

Elara is one cute girl!

Billy and Lizzie Calban said...

Matt, how often do you get to be with Elara??

Sarah and Val said...

I do wish I could hear the double Q.

Matt said...

i get her every other weekend and the monday evening in between the long stretch of Callistas 2 wks. and we usually go get dinner during the week.