Sunday, October 14, 2007

Springs Preserve Trip

Daniel jumping as far as a desert rat!!

Markie jumping as far as a desert skunk!!
Everyone building a city one block at a time.

Another spinny, pukey ride.


Matt said...

I'm sad i missed the trip when the whole ( relativly speaking )gang went. oh well there wil;l be plenty of partying next weekend at the magic tree house party.

Matt said...

btw ilike the 2nd pic from the top ,notice Asher gearing up

Sarah and Val said...

Matt you should have seen Andy jump. I did not have the camera ready. Hilarious.
We did not leave you out on purpose, we just knew you had to work.

Billy and Lizzie Calban said...

I bet I could jump as far as that cat

Sarah and Val said...

Lizzie, you will get your chance to jump on either Wednesday or Thursday.

Leah and Dustin said...

Thursday would be best for us since Dusty has mutual

Billy and Lizzie Calban said...

what about far do you think he'll jump