While posting one day I had clicked on my spell check button(cause you never know) and it had highlighted the word BELANGER'S as if had been misspelled. I was curious what the options were to replace BELANGER with and these were the choices: 1. Bel Anger's
2. Banger's
3. Clanger's
4. Blinker's
5. Blanker
I thought that was so funny that those were the alternate choices of our "misspelled" name!!! I know sometimes we ARE banger's, clanker's, blinker's, AND blankers! (Wait, what was I saying?! Oh yeah, sorry... I just totally blanked!) Any how, pretty funny, right?
So if someone were to say "Hey you blinkery, blankery, bel angery, blankety" it would and might be true.
Well, I guess that seems fitting! I take no offense in your statement since it's obvious to me that you are describing a Belanger in the simplest of terms! Ha ha ...whatever that means!!
I've been called a blanker.
Sorry my comment was deemed inappropriate by the High Sultanate of Hannah.
I am a huge fan of the term "wanker" and feel that it should be used more frequently. More frequently at Andy? That's an entirely different topic of discussion.
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